
The meeting is organised in collaboration with the Royal Society of Chemistry.

This symposium will bring together leading expertise in protein structure determination, biochemical characterization and chemical biology to explore the most recent advances in the understanding of protein function and inhibition in microbial pathogens – both bacteria and parasites.


Microbial protein structure determination and analyses
Biochemical analyses of microbial protein functionality
Chemical tools for probing microbial protein function
Structure, function and rational drug discovery

Confirmed speakers:

Chris Abell (Cambridge, UK)
Del Besra (Birmingham, UK)
Simon Croft (LSHTM, UK)
Mike Ferguson (Dundee, UK)
Wim Hol (Seattle, USA)
Gerald Spaeth (Pasteur Institut, France)
Ed Tate (Imperial, UK)
Mike Barrett (Glasgow, UK)
Maria Marco-Martin (GSK, Tres Cantos, Spain)
Rita Tewari (Nottingham, UK)
Deborah Smith (York, UK)

We are now accepting abstract submissions. The final day for submitting is:

15th July for Oral presentations
14th August for Posters presentations.

RSC members travel grant form http://www.bsp.uk.net/documents/rsc-grant-form/

The meeting is exceptional value, the price includes: two days entry to the conference, two nights accomodation and breakfast, Reception on the 14th and the conference dinner ticket on the 15th.

Students, unwaged, retired: £230
Ordinary Members: £330
Non-members: £430

Venue: Durham University
Location: Durham
Country: United Kingdom

Organiser Contact Details:
Paul Denny

T: 01234 211015


Durham University

Hosted By

British Society for Parasitology (BSP)

We are science based Charitable Incorporated Organisation

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